Sylvia Necker

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Multilayered Narrations, 13.2.2019

Workshop: Multilayered Narrations. Claiming Historical Sites through Stories. Wednesday, February 13th, 2019, 2-5 p.m. at Vienna Wiesenthal Institute, Rabensteig 3,  1010 Vienna

Memorial sites and Holocaust museums tend to adopt a defined profile: Either they commemorate victims or they focus on perpetrators. Their role is to act as collective memorial sites clearly directed at future generations. However, perpetrator sites like the Obersalzberg or the Reichsparteitagsgelände in Nuremberg still use technical terms like “Documentation Centre” to emphasise their role as cognitive institutions analysing the history – rather than the memory – of National Socialism and the Holocaust.

Sylvia Necker, historian at the University of Nottingham and curator, has compared the narrative strategies of the Obersalzberg Documentation Centre and the British National Holocaust Centre and Museum, on the basis of which she advocates for multilayered narrations.

This workshop will offer insights into curatorial practices and will discuss artistic and aesthetic approaches within exhibitions to underline the opportunities they open up for curating at historical sites.

If you are interested in participating in the workshop, please register at at the latest by Friday, 8 February 2019, 12.00 am. See Invitation here: 2019-WiesenthalWien-WorkshopNecker-Invitation-w. Link zur Website: